A Grand Announcement — Celebrating 1,000 WordPress Projects Completed

One of the things I love about Codeable is that they’ve seriously upped the ante on what “crème de la crème” means in the world of WordPress development… I mean, simply becoming a certified expert developer for their platform is already an impressive accomplishment for any freelancer.

And it becomes even more impressive when you consider the fact that Codeable accepts only the top 1-2% of WordPress developers who’ve applied to join their premium outsourcing network in the first place.

codeable expert wordpress developers

Needless to say, once you’re invited into the Codeable family you very quickly become colleagues with some of the best freelance WordPress developers in the world… So, any additional achievements from that point on are truly accomplished at an incredibly high level.

Standing out for your accomplishments as a freelancer via Codeable is like averaging the most points for your team in the Olympics — it turns heads because of how tremendously skilled your teammates are.

I say all this because I’m extremely excited about the latest milestone I’ve reached, and yeah, this time it’s a big one… It’s been a little over two years in the making so I’m very proud to announce that I’ve successfully completed my 1,000th WordPress development project.

1000 WordPress projects completed via Codeable

Completing number 1,000 made it official — I’m the newest member of Codeable’s four-figure club.

To date, there are only four members of the 1,000+ club at Codeable… Four, out of more than 275 currently active members plus all of those who came and went before us… So in terms of exclusivity, we’re talking about the top 1% of the top 2% of WordPress developers worldwide.

Another thing I love about Codeable is their incredible sense of community. We’re all rooting for one anothers’ successes so I’d be remiss if I didn’t also congratulate each and every one of my comrades who’ve achieved this milestone and joined the elusive 1K club before me.

Here’s the stats for projects completed at the time this article was published;

  1. Saad Iqbal — 1,446
  2. Orionk K — 1,346
  3. Alex Belov — 1,204
  4. Nathan Reimnitz — 1,004

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Now, I want to take a moment here to emphasize that anyone outsourcing their WordPress projects should be ecstatic to work with every Codeable approved developer. To be clear, having a great experience with your project via Codeable is definitely not limited to those four developers I just mentioned.

Over 500 5-star reviews

Every single developer on Codeable will deliver you a perfect 5-star experience, guaranteed… The four developers mentioned above are just the only ones (so far) who’ve managed to do it more than 1,000 times.

Like I said earlier, crashing this club is an incredibly high honor, but I’m even more proud of how quickly I was able to reach this milestone. I’ve written before about my non-stop productivity which has consistently placed me near the top of list of the most productive developers throughout my tenure with Codeable.

It’s that same kind of work ethic that has led me to becoming the fastest joining member of the four-figure club, ever… #JustSaying

successful freelancing is a marathon not a sprint

Completing my very first project via Codeable back on August 5th, 2015 means that in just over two years I’ve quickly racked up my share of 5-star reviews which ultimately lead me to surpassing this milestone.

While completing my one-thousandth project as a freelancer is certainly an impressive achievement, it still feels like I’m just getting started… For me one-thousand is only the beginning and I’ve already got my sights set on the next thousand.

I can’t sit here and take all the credit though… I wouldn’t be here celebrating this achievement if it wasn’t for each of my amazing clients over the last two-years who’ve given me the opportunity to pursue my passion in helping them solve their WordPress problems.

So, if you’ve got any WordPress bugs of your own that need squashing then please get in touch with me today by clicking the button below. I’d love to help you solve your problems while you help me move one project closer to achieving my next milestone.

[actionbox color=”primary” title=”DO YOU NEED HELP WITH WORDPRESS?” description=”” btn_label=”Hire Nathan Today” btn_link=”https://nathanello.com/hire-me” btn_color=”white”]