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digital nomad earnings comparison

Can digital nomads earn as much as “regular” freelancers?

I've spent the last two years working as a freelancer and digital nomad, in this article we'll compare my income between the two.
Fourth Quarter Income Report 2016

Quarterly Income Report: Q4 2016

Browse a month-by-month breakdown of my fourth quarter 2016 income report which includes three additional colorful charts.
Third Quarter Income Report 2016

Quarterly Income Report: Q3 2016

Browse a month-by-month breakdown of my third quarter 2016 income report which includes three additional colorful charts.
Second Quarter Income Report 2016

Quarterly Income Report: Q2 2016

Browse a month-by-month breakdown of my second quarter 2016 income report which includes three additional colorful charts.
First Quarter Income Report 2016

Quarterly Income Report: Q1 2016

Browse a month-by-month breakdown of my first quarter 2016 income report which includes three additional colorful charts.
January 2016 Monthly Income Report

Codeable Freelancing: January 2016

This is real income produced by completing real work. I earned $10,433.19 in January by working for it, not wishing for it.
January 2016 Weekly Income Report

Weekly Income Report: January 2016

Browse the week-by-week breakdown of my January 2016 income report which includes five additional colorful charts.
January 2016 Daily Income Report

Daily Income Report: January 2015

Browse a detailed daily breakdown of my January 2016 monthly income report which includes a fancy sortable table.
December 2015 Monthly Income Report

Codeable Freelancing: December 2015

This is real income produced by completing real work. I earned $7,559.49 in December by working for it, not wishing for it.
December 2015 Weekly Income Report

Weekly Income Report: December 2015

Browse the week-by-week breakdown of my December 2015 income report which includes five additional colorful charts.
December 2015 Daily Income Report

Daily Income Report: December 2015

Browse a detailed daily breakdown of my December 2015 monthly income report which includes a fancy sortable table.

Codeable Freelancing: November 2015

This is real income produced by completing real work. I earned $13,453.75 in November by working for it, not wishing for it.
november 2015 weekly income report

Weekly Income Report: November 2015

Browse the week-by-week breakdown of my November 2015 income report which includes five additional colorful charts.
november 2015 daily income report codeable

Daily Income Report: November 2015

Browse a detailed daily breakdown of my November 2015 monthly income report which includes a fancy sortable table.

Codeable Freelancing: October 2015

This is real income produced by completing real work. I earned $9,834.35 in October by working for it, not wishing for it.

Weekly Income Report: October 2015

Browse the week-by-week breakdown of my October 2015 monthly income report which includes five additional colorful charts.
october 2015 daily income report codeable

Daily Income Report: October 2015

Browse a detailed daily breakdown of my October 2015 monthly income report which includes a fancy sortable table.
Codeable September 2015

Codeable Freelancing: September 2015

This is real income produced by completing real work. I earned $13,841.66 in September by working for it, not wishing for it.